Limbo Reviews
Limbo Reviews is a MERN stack web app for submitting and discussing video game reviews. Features include user registration, commenting, and favorites. It uses MongoDB and AWS S3, and is deployed on Heroku.
Release Date: September 18, 2022
Project Description
Limbo Reviews is a web app built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js). It allows users to view and submit video game reviews, as well as favorite and comment on existing reviews.
Users can register for an account using email authentication, and once logged in, they can access their profile page to choose an avatar and display name. They also have the ability to rank and delete comments, and view a list of their own posts and favorites.
The app has a slideshow feature that randomly displays video reviews, and the main page features thumbnail images and links to the details page for each review. The details page includes a picture representing the video game, a description, and a section for comments.
The app stores data about the reviews, comments, and users in MongoDB, and uses AWS S3 to store the actual pictures. The search feature is implemented in MongoDB, allowing users to easily look up titles.
Limbo Reviews is deployed on Heroku, a popular cloud platform for hosting web applications.
System Requirements
Software: Node, Express, React, MongoDB, AWS S3